Thursday, January 19, 2012

My "perfect" bucket list

Hi! I have been thinking about this a lot now, my bucket list. What do I want to have done before I die? ... Scary to think about death and talk like this, but actually that's not the meaning with this. Just publishing some things that I want to have "done" before I die. So here are some pictures I found from the site; You should all go check it out, it's just amazing! And maybe you find some, or maybe many things from the "Tumblr blog" or this, my Blogspot "text".
P.S. I'm feeling like this is going to be a very very long one so prepare for that! Hah.

++++ MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE, that I am probably going to add later. And this was just ONE of many Tumblr bucket list sites that exist, so I'm probably going to do some more blogs about this same topic and add pictures, but 'til then BYE bye my love's. <3


Hi and welcome! Now, after a long time of thinking about doing a blog here on Blogspot, I finally did it! So here we go, I hope I'm going to be able to update this blog even if I have to study really hard on the "side" too. Here I will write about things that goes trough my mind. I hope you all enjoy your stay here, and become readers if you're interested in reading more sometimes! xox